Why are there different price ranges for 100% Cashmere?
The final price of a Cashmere sweater is directly related to the high or low quality of the raw material. The longer the fiber, the lighter the surface, the softer sweaters, the smaller studs and thus the more expensive price.
Our sweaters are made of fibers with a diameter of about 14-17 micrometers and a fiber length of 34-38mm, which means that it is one of the highest fiber lengths.
What does ply mean?
Ply is the number of Cashmere threads twisted together to make Cashmere yarn. Two twisted threads are called 2-ply, and three twisted threads are called 3-ply, etc. Because Cashmere consists of fine hair, it benefits from the increased strength of the twisted thread. Our products consist of 2-ply or higher.
What does gauge mean?
Gauge is a measure of how tight the product is knit. Gauge refers to the number of stitches and rows per inch. The higher the number of stitches and rows, the more tightly knit product and therefore contains more Cashmere yarn.